Wealthwin was awarded by UHA with“ 2018 Yearly Winning Award”
In March 12th 2019, Shenzhen Wealthwin TradingCo.,Ltd(hereafter refer to as “Wealthwin”) was invited to attend 2019 UHADistributors Spring Meeting. In the meeting, Wealthwin-- an excellentdistributor, was awarded by UHA with“ 2018 Yearly Winning Award” because of bestselling performance in South part of China, General Director Ms. ZhangShenghong accepted this prize on behalf of Wealthwin.
In the future, Wealthwin will continue seek progress while maintainingstability, sum up successful experience, build more outstanding sales team,Keep innovative and accept the challenge and opportunity to construct a strongerand bigger distribution network.In 2019, Wealthwin will introduce more uniqueand innovative products, creating bigger value for the partners while broadenconsumers taste buds.