
Extra was the first sugar-free chewing gum launched by Wrigley in the United States in 1984 and has grown into the top brand of sugar-free chewing gum in the world in just five years. In China, Wrigley was the first to introduce "Extra" sugar-free chewing gum in Guangdong in 1996. Today, the sales network of "Extra" sugar-free chewing gum has covered more than 300 cities in China. "Extra" is highly appreciated by Chinese consumers. It stimulates saliva secretion and neutralizes oral acidity, which can help prevent dental caries (tooth decay) and give you a pleasant tooth care experience at any time.


  • 清爽西瓜味 13.5g/條

  • 沁涼薄荷味 12片裝 32g/盒

  • 熱帶水果味 12片裝 32g/盒

  • 清爽西瓜味 12片裝 32g/盒

  • 冰泡泡薄荷味 56g/瓶

  • 清香蜜柚味 56g/瓶

  • 沁香藍(lán)莓味 56g/瓶

  • 冰檸薄荷味 56g/瓶

  • 清爽草莓味 56g/瓶

  • 草木精華味 56g/瓶

  • 清新西柚味 56g/瓶

  • 香橙薄荷味 56g/瓶

  • 冰涼薄荷味 56g/瓶

  • 香濃蜜瓜味 56g/瓶

  • 檸檬香梨味 56g/瓶


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